The free HD video player instinctively enhances the quality of your music and video. Without subscription, you can free download 4K 5K 8K Ultra HD or 1080P HD videos music online from not only YouTube, but also Facebook, Yahoo, DailyMotion, Vimeo, Vevo, Metacafe, Myspace, Vine, UStream, MTV, Instagram, Bliptv, LiveLeak, CBS slideshare, and free download music from Soundcloud and other top video sharing sites. The free HD video player is an online video music downloader that supports as many as 300+ online video audio sites.
It is also an AirPlay sender for free streaming MP4, MOV, M4V, MP3 and AAC from iMac, MacBook and Windows 10/8/7 to Apple TV, AirPlay speakers and so on wirelessly. 5KPlayer for Mac, with built-in AirPlay receiver, can help you free stream media (audios and videos) from iPhone, iPad, iPod and Apple Watch to Mac OS X and Windows PC.